Feb 10, 2009

Cheep Talk

Got a couple of things to share with you tonight! Here is my card for today's Color Challenge from Splitcoaststampers. Today's Colors were Pink Piroutte, Perfect Plum and Kiwi Kiss. Not exactly the most challenging card, but it was quick. You will see why I didn't have that much time to create anything tonight....in just a minute. But first things first...

I know, kinda simple, but sometime you just have to make a simple card! I love the little added heart above the two birds, kinda turns them into "love birds"!

So, you want to know what my ribbon collections looked like before I discovered Ribbon Rings? Take a look...

And after.... WOO HOO, it's a storage MIRACLE!!! I ran out of tags, so I'm off to order more, but first, let's draw last night's BLOG CANDY winner....drum roll please!!!!

Jennifer Talley said...
Wow, this is so cute! I love it! As for my hubby and I, he is not really the romantic type, so we usually just have a quiet evening at home after the kids go to bed enjoying each other's company - which is hard to come by these days with the too little ones!

Jennifer, send me your snail mail address and I will get a ribbon sampler out to you right away...keeping with today's theme and all!


  1. Love the card, you are so right sometimes the simple cards are so sweet and I just love it.

  2. Your ribbons look great, but if you have a cat, the cat might be a little disappointed in the missing ribbon ball. :)
